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Michael, 41 years old
I met Edu at a very challenging time in my life. Over a number of months she provided a safe environment for me to talk about what I was experiencing and helped me work through how that was affecting me as well as helping me to explore why I was responding in certain ways. Through our conversations I was able to better understand myself and learn to approach situations differently so that I could be more true to myself, my needs and my boundaries.
Edu was always kind and understanding while we talked and was willing to challenge my thoughts, views or behaviours in a positive and productive way when it was appropriate – I was also able to discuss and challenge what was said between us if I held a different viewpoint. She was also able to use her knowledge and experience to help me, and that’s something for which I am incredibly grateful.


Kathy, 34 years old

I had not had therapy before I met Edu, so I was nervous to start, and didn't know what the process would be like. I can honestly say the experience has been life changing. I have discovered a new self-awareness as to why I act in certain ways and repeatedly make the same (bad) choices. With this new outlook I can now make informed decisions and finally break the cycle... change is happening and I am in control.

During our sessions, I felt secure enough to talk about my feelings and worries, without judgement. I felt kindness and empathy. It can be tough at times, but Edu always made me feel safe enough to explore the more difficult parts of my life. I cannot thank her enough.


Annya, 22 years old
Working with Edu was a really positive experience for me. I was linked up with Edu as she had some great insights on neurodivergence and specifically ADHD. Having very recently found out about ADHD it was a real lifeline to talk to her about the things that I struggled with socially and to better understand ways to cope and manage. It was a pleasure to chat with her, really kind, friendly and thoughtful in the way she guides the sessions. Thank you!

Javier Schubert – 62 años – residente en España
Haciendo un balance comparativo puedo decir que la vida ha venido siendo conmigo bastante generosa. Desde luego, he padecido momentos dolorosos, algunos especialmente duros, pero de todos ellos he salido aparentemente sin secuelas y sin una ayuda especializada.
No obstante, pocos años atrás, he sufrido un penoso y sorpresivo golpe por parte de quien menos podía esperarlo: una persona a la que amaba y admiraba en muchos aspectos. Un golpe artero que impactó no solo en la esfera de los sentimientos, sino que afectó gravemente muchas otras, desde las económicas hasta las afectivas (estas últimas no solo con personas), pasando por las laborales.
En esa oportunidad la ayuda profesional que recibí de Edu constituyó un factor fundamental para mi recuperación en todo sentido. Que atribuya esta cualidad a la labor por ella desarrollada creo que no puede ser desatendido, proviniendo de una persona que, como yo, siempre ha tenido cierto reparo hacia las terapias psicológicas o de esa especie.
Debo reconocer que en cada sesión me ha hecho sentir cómodo y escuchado, facilitándome acceder a ella y, en consecuencia, a expresarme con libertad, sin miedos. Paulatinamente he ido sintiendo que retomaba el timón de mi vida y que volvía a ser yo mismo, pero quizá más fuerte aún, pues el sentir haber superado esa experiencia lacerante, era algo así como afirmarme en mi energía y vitalidad. Por otra parte, creo que debo resaltar su virtud profesional en cuanto a que no generó ningún tipo de ligamen o dependencia profesional a futuro: fue una ayuda necesaria e inestimable, pero eso ya es pretérito.

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